- Joining Plastics
- Authors
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edmund Haberstroh

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edmund Haberstroh
Edmund Haberstroh, born in 1948 in South Germany, studied mechanical engineering in Karlsruhe and Aachen. After his graduation in 1976 he was a staff member of IKV Plastics Processing Institute at the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH) working on extrusion and recieved his Ph.D. from Prof. Georg Menges in 1981. He was department head at the IKV and worked in the plastics and rubber industry. In 1995 he was appointed Professor at Aachen and is also giving lectures in Leuven (Belgium). His research activities are on the fields of rubber and polyurethane processing, polymer compounding, welding and thermoforming.
1 Artikel
The excellence cluster called Integrative production technology for high-wage countries at RWTH Aachen University - Manufacture of hybrid metalplastics components using modern joining processes
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edmund Haberstroh, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kirsten Bobzin, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Reisgen, Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Wagner, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhart Poprawe, Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Theiß, Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Roesner, Dipl.-Ing. Dustin Flock
Peer-reviewed papers, 210 - 216