- Joining Plastics
- Authors
- Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Theiß

Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Theiß
From 2001 to 2007, Dipl. Ing. Sebastian Theiß studied Electrotechnology and Information Technology with the advanced subject of Plasma Technology at Ruhr University, Bochum. Since 2007, he has been a scientific assistant at the Institute for Surface Technology in Mechanical Engineering in the field of PVD technology (tools) at RWTH Aachen University.
1 Artikel
The excellence cluster called Integrative production technology for high-wage countries at RWTH Aachen University - Manufacture of hybrid metalplastics components using modern joining processes
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edmund Haberstroh, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kirsten Bobzin, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Reisgen, Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Wagner, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhart Poprawe, Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Theiß, Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Roesner, Dipl.-Ing. Dustin Flock
Peer-reviewed papers, 210 - 216