Development of a method for the prediction of the tightening torques of plastic nuts
Investigation into adhesive bonding and welding procedures for application to coated plastic media lines in electrolysers
Laser welding of polymer foils with spatially adapted intensity distributions
Welding process strategies for the heated tool welding of high wall thicknesses
Machine learning methods for inline quality assurance in heated tool welding
Investigation and optimisation of the mechanical properties of adhesive-bonded joints between additively manufactured plastic components
Structural direct joints between metal and plastic – Influences of the surface structuring on the bonding strength
Analysis of the insertion and overtightening torques of plastic nuts depending on the air humidity
Influences of the convective heating on the material damage to plastics during hot gas series welding
Laser direct joining of metals and polymers using modulated cw laser radiation – one beam source for two processes
Long-term properties of butt fusion welds on gas pressure pipes made of unplasticised Polyamide 12
Joining amorphous thermoplastics with the aid of vacuum ultraviolet radiation
Determination of material data in the ultrasonic range – Characterisation of temperature-dependent storage and loss moduli at a typical ultrasonic welding frequency of 20 kHz
Deformation of pin-like structures in the joining process in order to produce form-fit multimaterial joints
Effects of different heating strategies on infrared-heated polyphthalamides
New magnetic measuring method as an alternative to DSC
Elastoweld – Welding of composites consisting of thermoplastic elastomers and thermoplastics
Investigations in order to validate a spectrometer for the characterisation of infrared radiators
Development of scale-up rules for the quasisimultaneous laser transmission welding (QSW) of thermoplastics
Development and analysis of a joining strategy for FPC/metal mixed joints on the basis of the CMT pin welding technology
Characteristic weld values for the designing of high-temperature-resistant thermoplastic components with optimised service lives
Adhesive bonding of injection-moulded plastics using stress-cracking-active adhesives
Weld peculiarities of infrared-welded joints between laser-sintered and injection-moulded components
Consideration of rheological processes during the welding of plastics by means of numerical simulation and microscopic analyses
Dimensioning and optimisation of directly screwed joints between parts which are made of ABS and are 3D-printed in the FDM procedure
Welding of laser-sintered and injection-moulded plastic components
Investigations into the utilisation properties and procedural limits of thermal direct joining
Thermal riveting of polymer materials - Computer- aided process modeling and comparison with experimental data
Non-destructive testing of the degree of curing with unilateral NMR
Laser transmission welding of thermoplastics at longer wavelengths
Non-destructive integrity test for butt-welded plastic pipes on the construction site - Bead bend back test
Development of a thermal simulation model for the laser transmission joining of PA 6.6 with CrNi steel
Injection riveting for the joining of thermoplastic composites with metal parts
Development of a test bench for the inline determination of the molten pool depth during the joining of additively manufactured structures and thermoplastic FRPs using a laser
Simulation and adhesive bonding of continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastics
Infrared welding in tempered ambient conditions
Process design and influencing factors in the case of the welding of foamed thermoplastics (TSG)
Using screw blind clinch riveting for the joining of metal parts with composites in the case of accessibility from one side
Manufacturing of plastics-metal-hybrid-composites by backmolding of resistance welded metal mesh
Effects of thermally induced residual stresses on the joint strengths of press-joined hybrid structures
Thermography for quality assurance in the case of ultrasonic welding
Adhesive bonding joining technologies for additively manufactured plastic components
Influences of moisture contents on the laser transmission welding process
Investigations into ultrasonic plastics welding as an innovative contacting technology for the integration of electronics into textiles
Weber Ultrasonics now manufactures masks and face masks in Germany
Joining and processing of non-woven materials: Ultrasonic technology for filter media
Good weld – bad weld: Selected aspects for the assessment of laser transmission welding
Mechanical long-term strengths of laserbeam- welded lap and T-joints made of ABS
Automatic temperature monitoring in plastic welding
Laser beam microstructuring of magnesium sheets made of ME20 – Potentials for the in-mould assembly of plastic/magnesium hybrid joints
Manufacture of organosheet hollow bodies with overlapping joints using infrared welding – Process influences and weld properties
Inline monitoring of the adhesive curing with contactless ultrasound
Laser transmission welding of transparent plastics – Part 2: Welding of PC with 1,940 nm laser radiation
Simulation-assisted evaluation of beam oscillation patterns during quasi-simultaneous laser transmission welding
Long-term loading of welded joints – What infuence do cyclic loads have on ultrasonically welded joints?
UFBC – New type of hybrid joining of metal and plastic
Experimental investigations into the dimensioning of the static pull-out strength of the screwed blind rivet
Quality monitoring of laser-beam-welded tapes made of fibre-reinforced plastics by means of thermography
Laser transmission welding of transparent plastics - Part 1: Consideration of the energy input
Quantification of the material damping properties using the mandrel melting-in test - Latest results, problems and solution strategies