- Joining Plastics
- Authors
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h. c. Klaus Dilger

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h. c. Klaus Dilger
Prof. Klaus Dilger was born in 1962 and studied Mechanical Engineering, focussing on manufacturing technology, at the Technical University of Munich. In 1987 he became research associate with a chair for joining technique - and after his PhD thesis in 1991 head engineer. In 1997 he became full Professor for adhesive technology at the University of Aachen, where he worked on engineering construction and manufacturing conversion of adhesives for high quality applications e.g. in automobile construction and aerospace technology. He has been head of the Institute for Joining and Welding Techniques at the Technical University of Braunschweig since 2002. His aim is to implement a complete joint technology offer by adding the research areas of adhesive techniques and mechanical and micro joining to the previously used welding technique.