Weld strengths of sandwich components with glass-fibre-reinforced core components
Structural adhesive bonding of glass-fibre-reinforced thermosetting plastics with optimised joining part materials
Welding of laser-sintered PA12 plastic components, Part 2 – Heated tool welding
Investigation into the vibration welding of laser-sintered components
Welding of laser-sintered plastic components – Part 1 Ultrasonic welding
Laserdurchstrahlschweißen unter Zusatz von Nukleierungsmittel geschäumten thermoplastischen Spritzgießteilen
Comparison of real and simulated failure times of electrofusion sockets made of polyethylene
Entwicklung von temperierten Rollnahtsonotroden für das kontinuierliche Verschweißen von Folien aus Hochtemperaturkunststoffen
Kurzzeit-Prüfung von geschweißten Fluorkunststoffen
Challenges during the welding of electrically and thermally conductive plastic compounds for utilisation in fuel cells, redox flow batteries and heat exchangers
Release of hazardous substances during the laser processing of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics – Part 1
Sewing welding of Thermoplastics reinforced with continuous fibres
Reducing contaminations during the joining of plastics
Investigation of part cooling as a basis for simulating distortion during laser sintering
Thermisches Verhalten von trockenen Kohlenstofffaserlagen beim Preformen mittels Ultraschallschweißtechnik
Einfluss der Infrarotvorwärmung beim Vibrations - schweißen von strahlenvernetztem PA66 mit Hochtemperaturwerkstoffen
WPC-Schweißen von hybriden Verbindungen
Plastics riveting - Influences and restrictions with regard to the structure and the process
Plasma-assisted joining of plastics
Combined deep drawing and back-injection sets particular requirements on joining technology
Successful welding of films made of bioplastics, Part 2 - Ultrasonic welding and high-frequency welding
Process management and mechanisms during the welding of electrically and electrostatically conductive plastics
Composite injection moulding without any primer - Characterisation of the adhesion mechanisms on joined thermosetting plastic/elastomer composites
Vibration welding of radiation-cross-linked Polyamide 66 with PA6T/6I GF50
Folien aus Biokunststoffen erfolgreich schweißen, Teil 1 – Wärmekontaktschweißen
Emissions during the laser beam processing of plastics
Zum Einfluss der Schwingrichtung beim linearen Vibrationsschweißen
Passive Thermographie als zerstörungsfreies Prüfverfahren beim Schweißen von Kunststoffen
Duroplast-Elastomer-Spritzguss – Verbundhaftfestigkeit als Qualitätskriterium zur Bewertung von 2K-Verbunden
Neue Möglichkeiten zur Herstellung langzeitstabiler Schweißverbindungen im Apparate-, Behälter- und Rohrleitungsbau
Hochgefüllte holzfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe richtig kleben
Ultraschall-Stauchnieten – Neuartige Prozess - strategie zum Fügen von Mischmaterialien
Process modelling of the heating operation during the laser beam transmission welding of plastics
Development of a new mechanical fastening solution with a uniformly force-introducing, sealing undercut
Thermoactivated pinning - An innovative technology for the joining of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites
Influences of the parameters on the composite strength of a material combination consisting of an organosheet and a short-fibre thermoplastic
High-strength mixed constructions with thermoplastic fibre composites and metals
Influence of moisture on the joining process in the case of the ultrasonic welding of polyamide
Processing of media-resistant cladding materials containing fluorine in the high-temperature range Part 2: Reliable processing of PFA using high-temperature welding extruders
Pyrometric temperature monitoring for flexible scanner-based laser transmission welding processes
Insights into the ultrasonic sealing process
Comparison of process variants and modelling of processes for laser transmission welding in order to simplify the qualification and selection of processes
Safe extrusion welding of fluoroplastics
Rotative vibration welding - an innovative friction welding process
New method in plastics joining technology
Investigation into the fatigue behaviour of joints executed by means of heated tool butt welding using the example of plastic pipes and windows
Material and process influences during the riveting of technical plastics
New possibilities in the processing of semi-finished plastic products with innovative machine technology
Using FE calculation for the optimisation of the clamping pressure distribution in the case of the laser transmission welding of complex components
Introduction of plastic tanks on to the market in the event of any deviations from the DIBt requirements
Making connections - Ultrasonic riveting of high-temperature plastics
Economic and ecological assessments with regard to the welding of plastic pipes
Changeable and flexible: A new production concept for plastics processing - for joining technology as well
Welding of similar plastics with extremely different rheological properties
New concepts for joining dissimilar thermoplastics using laser radiation
Procedure for assessing the short-time local mechanical properties of welds in PE100 pipes
Laser welding of plastics - Adjustment of the material or the wavelength?
Adhesive bonding using vibration technology - Fast, self-cleaning and with an assured quality
Modelling and simulation of the heated tool butt welding process using CFD (computational fluid dynamics) software